Monday, October 11, 2010

You Should Make A Fucking Blog!

Well, here it is. My new blog. A descent of angels singing angelic music would normally enter here but contrary to popular belief, I am not God. But I am still pretty cool. So the story of how this blog came to be..

*standing outside Panera with Keisha*

Keisha: I don't want to go to school tomorrow.

Me: At least you're in school. I'm a loser.

Keisha: We're all going nowhere with our lives. You should start a blog.


There was more dialogue in there somewhere but I forgot. Plus, it was boring. I doubt anyone in the world is actually going to read this post but let's just honor tradition and post it. Besides if I kept putting off my first post because I thought no one would read it, then I wouldn't have a blog. AND THAT'S STUPID AND DOESN'T MAKE SENSE.

here's 8 1/2 interesting facts about me:

1) My name is Nancee. That's right, bitches, two e's.  As you read earlier I was at Panera and at Panera they ask for your name with your order. I say "Nancee" but the clearly-below-5th-grade-reading-level cashier types the name in before I can specify that I do NOT spell it with a y. It makes me very angry when people spell it with a y. I will murder you with a stick.

2) I hate when people say Panera Bread. IT'S FUCKING PANERA, THEY JUST HAPPEN TO SELL BREAD THERE. It's not like I say "Hey, let's go to McDonald's Big Mac for lunch" because that's DUMB.

3) I just walked into my kitchen to get something to eat and it smelled like Tiger Balm or Bengay. This is a kitchen, not an infirmary, people!

4) I genuinely like the movie Face/Off with John Travolta and Nicolas Cage. It fucking rocked.

5) I'm running out of facts.

6) I hate Polly-O String Cheese. It's nasty. It belongs in a pig trough, not my mouth.

7) I like surprises. So, SURPRISE!, I'm only giving you 7 facts. Suck it up, little girl.

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